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For our customers: Product roadmap sneak peek
Restaurant Payroll 101
Learn how to tackle the hardest aspects of paying restaurant workers from taxes and tip reporting to labor law compliance.

Schedule interviews in minutes via text message

Enable applicants to schedule their interview based on your availability—and stop the tedious back and forth.

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auto-scheduling (2)
Built for the hourly workforce

Go from application to interview faster

Employers who interview applicants the same week they apply have a 16% greater chance of making a successful hire—so don't take your time scheduling that interview!

self scheduling calendar icon

Automated scheduling

Applicants schedule their interviews based on availability that you and your team set.

scheduling interviews via text icon

Schedule via text

Workstream automatically sends applicants a text message prompting them to schedule their interview.

automated reminders icon

Automated reminders

Set up automatic email and text reminders to reduce no-shows.

custom duration icon

Custom durations

Set interviews to be as short or long as you need them to be based on your hiring process.

multiple interviews icon

Multiple interviews

Need more than one? Adjust your hiring process to include multiple interview stages.

custom interview types icon

Custom interview types

Designate whether the interview is via phone, in-person, or through video.

Calling somebody is pretty much useless. But being able to text that applicant the day before their interview, or five minutes before their interview, creates a big difference in whether that person shows up or not or whether you know that person is going to show up.

Luke Godwin
Owner and GM, Godwin Motors

active sourcing in workstream

Active Sourcing

Attract high quality talent with a diverse strategy.

smart screening card

Smart Screening

Hire faster by automatically screening out unqualified applicants.

multilingual card

Multilingual Hiring

Enable Spanish hiring and automatic translations to attract more applicants.

Be smart with your hourly workforce

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